Securing a reputable position with a good company in the present times can seem to be a daunting task for many due to a vastly competitive field. Therefore, to stand out among the crowd, you will need to be unique in how you present yourself to the recruiters. It’s all about your approach that helps in deciding the future of your career after graduating from the best mechanical engineering colleges . Following are the few points that we have accumulated to help you get ready for the interview for your dream job and secure it against all odds. Prepare a strong resume and focus on your accomplishments Most jobs today look for experience, therefore it is vital that you dedicate a portion of your C.V. in describing the various internships in the field. Having an association with a reputed company name can land you with a favorable position. In case you are a fresher, then focusing on your extracurricular accomplishments is also a good alternative. Be prepared for the probable qu...