There are quite a few problems that a student will face when they start searching for llb colleges in Bangalore. One there are very few places who offer this course and then the confusion as almost everyone who offers the course term themselves as the top law colleges in Bangalore. But we shall act as the mirror on the wall.
Law courses are of two types, one the BA LLB (Hons.) and the other the BBA LLB (Hons.). The BA LLB course provides graduates a robust understanding of the social sciences as law and social sciences go hand in hand. The legal instrument is only a means to express the political and socio-economic will of the state that will have an undeniable impact on society. Hence, it is necessary for a successful attorney to have a good understanding of the social sciences to fully appreciate how to use the instruments of law to act as a reason for social change.
Alliance School of Law has this course where they include to the legal core subjects a definite study of Political Science, Economics, Sociology as well as English as their minor areas of study. This helps their students to supplement the knowledge from the wide range of law subjects and be prepared for the big bad world. This course is of five years duration.
The second course of BBA LLB (Hons.) is also available at the Alliance School of Law whose students are no longer limited to choose only litigation as their profession. They now have access to a huge range of corporate future employees, legal associates in law firms and in-house counsels in various companies all over India as well as around the world. The work of the attorney becomes easier if they are aware of business and management practises followed at most business organisations. Hence, this course provides expertise in business administration, management, finance as well as the languages.
This is also a five year course that has been carefully crafted at the absolute top law colleges in Bangalore to have a balance between the legal and management principles. No other llb colleges in Bangalore provide such succinct and valuable knowledge that will give their students the distinct advantage in their careers.
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